Annual Report 2023

In the challenging year 2023 marked by geopolitical instability near 7N’s principal markets, elevated interest rates, intensifying inflation, and the looming threat of a market slowdown, 7N achieved robust growth in 2023 driven by the core strategic markets Denmark and Poland continuing the strong performance from previous years.


We have once again seen our business grow, as we cross the mark of 1,5 billion DKK in annual revenue for the first time. I want to express my deep pride and gratitude for everyone who shapes 7N – our employees, clients, and consultants. Your relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to quality, trust, and positive relationships is truly inspiring.

Business Model

We understand our clients’ specific needs and goals across the industries we specialize in.

This enables us to advise on which delivery model will ensure they reach the best result with their IT projects. 

Our offerings span from 360° Sourcing, where we source and place individuals or teams of IT experts either onshore, nearshore, or offshore, to 7N Solutions, a range of bespoke solutions, where we take on end-to-end responsibility, and finally 7N Academy, which is a catalogue of expert-led training programs.

Strengthening the Service Offering
In 2023, we welcomed our new VP of Services to our executive team, marking our strategic importance on broadening our service portfolio. Collaborating closely with our agents and recruiters, we developed the 7N service catalogue in 2023.

360° Sourcing

360° Sourcing is our core business and what 7N is known for. Providing the top 3% IT professionals for our clients as individuals, in deployable teams or in our delivery hubs, giving clients access to a global talent pool at scale.


The service catalogue also introduces our comprehensive Solutions pillar, where we assume full delivery responsibility for our clients. Each Solutions offering is based on tried-and-tested methods, now offered for broader accessibility.


In 2024, we will expand our 7N Academy with more global offerings, courses and certifications in various IT areas taught by our expert consultants.

We are always looking for ways to do good and improve. It has always been common sense for us to do what we can to make a positive impression and leave a good footprint. It is the absolute ambition of 7N to steward a responsible and sustainable value chain. During 2023 more than 2,000 IT experts was on an assignment with 7N, with just around 1,700 active consultants at year-end. Being a growing company widens our impact, especially on our consultants and the clients that they solve problems for, but also on the general scale and scope of our footprints, environmentally and socially.
Annual Report 2023

7N, a freelance IT consultancy services company, today publishes its Annual Report 2023, announcing another year of strong revenue growth and financial outlook for 2024.

For further information, please contact CFO Jacob Lehman:

+45 5215 0017